Pork Butt

I have a six-pound pork butt. That’s right, I said pork butt and I’m not ashamed to admit it nor am I afraid to use it. I got it tonight and it’s sitting right down there in the refrigerator waiting for something to happen. It’s indiscriminate, versatile and not shy about gracing a white-linen setting or cozying up to some buns. Tomorrow I’m going to stuff it in the oven and cook it a good long time and by evening it’ll be a fork tender pork butt. There, I said it again…Pork butt.
I also have at least 10 pounds of spuds…potatoes…or as all the boys like to say…Russet. These enormous things are going to be whipped up into a cloud like fluffiness. They will pair well with the pork butt. Oh my, I said it again. P-o-r-k b-u-t-t.
There also seems to be three pounds of cream cheese in the refrigerator and if I get the gumption, I may just put together a cheese cake in the morning – no guarantee on that yet though.
There is also a mess of carrots, oranges and grapefruits about. 1 wedge of brie. 1 bibb lettuce and two iceberg lettuce heads because two are better than one. There are also a few other meat products around and they may or may not make an appearance since the pork butt…oh dear, I did it again…yes, the pork butt is a go-er and will travel the distance.