The Accidental Actor

It's often the external factors that dictate the internal decisions and it's especially true when it comes to children. They are continually ruled by parental forces, »


The Porch Shoes

We built a large screened-in porch on the back of our house about ten years ago. In the early days, the boys would spend hours riding »


Two Priests Walk into a Bistro

There were five of us work colleagues sitting in a now defunct Bistro trying to determine the difference between a Croque Monsieur and a Croque Madame. »


Wielding Weapons

It started three weeks ago with a birthday present for our twelve year old. He'd been wanting a pocket knife for more than a year and »


The Digital Age

My parents have been roaming the earth for around eighty years. Actually, they roam mostly in their zip code but the age is spot on. While »


Tasking the Child

One of the joys of having children is that you can assign them a task and send them off to perform it. Most of the time »


Safety First

We are constantly trying to mitigate injuries, but with three boys in the house it can be a challenge. It started out with common sense type »


The Field Trip

If you'd like to get a good look at the state of our youth today, take a field trip with a class of fourth graders. I'm »



It was 3:36 in the afternoon when I received a text message while at work. It was from Mandy, the Savior of our Sanity. She »


Milk as an Accessory

It was summer and my brother and I were doing what we often did in those days, sitting in classic, folding aluminum lawn chairs in the »


Speak of the Greek

One of the benefits of having kids, aside from all that gratification unavoidably heaped upon you daily, is that you can task them with duties. Next »


The Office

We often hear the boys talking about kids in their class that get sent to the office. It's hard to get the facts on exactly what »


Waikiki Transportation

There are numerous transportation options on Waikiki. Walking is the preferred mode and the one we have chosen most often - there’s also bike, Segway, »


Diamond Head

It was a typical morning - we awoke at sunrise, dined on pancakes, painted everyone with sunblock and stood by the door for at least 7 »


Ten Steps to a Sleepless Night

Step 1: Obtain at least two children (three is ideal for maximum disruption) differing in age by two years. Be sure the eldest has somewhere around »


Pork Butt

I have a six-pound pork butt. That’s right, I said pork butt and I’m not ashamed to admit it nor am I afraid to »


The Bird

Today I am thankful for the turkey breast being fully thawed. Not for the ability to cook it in a timely manner but for personal safety. »


Total Wardrobe Control

Total Wardrobe Control (TWC) – an intangible state in which one possesses all rights to dictate what another will wear. The TWC state is most often invoked »


The Bathroom Fork

Why is there a fork on the floor in your bathroom? I personally didn’t think having a fork on the floor in the bathroom would »